

La longue table en bois d'Esty

Esty's long wooden table

In the back room of Esty’s, there’s a long wooden table that has hosted thousands of meals over the course of the last two decades. This table, which graced our dining rooms in Brussels and Amsterdam, has received friends, family members, and colleagues of all ages and from across the world. We always preferred to have every seat filled and the meals to go on forever. 

Qui sommes-nous

About US

Along with this dining table, numerous pieces of furniture and art come from our homes in the U.S. and Europe. Now back in Curaçao after spending almost 40 years abroad, we have brought our home, in every sense, into the restaurant- not just the furnishings but the desire to spend every evening among old and new friends, sharing great food, fine wines, lively conversation, and lovely music. As in every one of our other homes, we look forward to filling this house with good times for all.

Notre équipe


The best way to describe the spirit at Esty’s is the French term “accueillant”: This feeling of “relaxed coziness” permeates the building from the moment the staff starts entering for work at varying hours all throughout the day. We all work well together and enjoy each other’s company. In this spirit of camaraderie, we can, as a team, share this feeling of “accueil” and provide our guests with a memorable evening, whether they come in for a quick beer at the outdoor bar, a cocktail and bar bite on the sidewalk terrace, or dinner in one of our three cozy “salas”.

Nous contacter

Contact us

Opening hours

Mon - Sat 18:00 - Midnight
Sunday Closed